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Children and Family

Parents are the main faith builders of their children, and the community their children are part of. As parents, we have a huge responsibility to bring up our children in the way of Christ. But this is not something parents do on their own. The local church partners with families to train, provide resources and opportunities for families to engage in faith experiences.

For further information about any of these programs, contact the church office.

Mainly Music

Mainly Music is on hold for now while a new leadership team for this ministry is formed


For parents and children under five. Music, dance, play and morning tea.

Friday 10am during school terms. No waiting list.




is our children's program on a Sunday morning from 9:15 to 10:45. It is here that children learn about God's Story and his plan for each of us. Children engage in the story and the Holy Spirit is always the centre of every encounter. 


A small group for parents and their under five children to develop values and skills through play. Parents get the opportunity to interact with one another and explore faith with others in a friendly and warm environment.

Monday morning.



Building Kiwi Boys Into Kiwi Icons

ICONZ Adventure is for boys in school Years 4-6 (ages 8-11).

For further information, contact Peter on, or go to the Iconz website here.

Iconz is defined by:

    • faith, blood, mud, fire, water, speed, smash and build.
    • being unashamedly biblically focused.
    • a masculine culture - letting boys be boys.
    • an award system, based on practical life skills.
    • capturing the imagination of the community.
    • strong male role models.
    • operated by the local church.